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    The WTS-BSU is a simple, single-channel USB device allowing the interfacing of a WTS Wireless Inclinometer with a PC

    [:vi]WTS-BSU là một thiết bị USB đơn giản, một kênh cho phép kết nối Đầu đo độ nghiêng không dây WTS với PC[:en]The WTS-BSU is a simple, single-channel USB device allowing the interfacing of a WTS Wireless Inclinometer with a PC[:]

    The WTS-BSU is a simple, single-channel USB device allowing the interfacing of a WTS Wireless Inclinometer with a PC

    Overview The WTS-BSU is a simple, single channel USB device allowing the interfacing of a WTS Wireless Inclinometer with a PC. Specifications: The WTS-BSU is housed in a stand-alone plastic housing supplied with an integral lead and USB connector allowing simple connection to a PC. It draws power from the USB bus and therefore no […]


    • Details

    The WTS-BSU is a simple, single channel USB device allowing the interfacing of a WTS Wireless Inclinometer with a PC.


    The WTS-BSU is housed in a stand-alone plastic housing supplied with an integral lead and USB connector allowing simple connection to a PC. It draws power from the USB bus and therefore no further components are required to control remote devices. Software is supplied that allows the user to:

    • Select a required device.
    • View the value on a simulated LCD display
    • Log the data to a .csv file.



    The WTS Wireless Tilt System is a flexible, all-weather radio telemetry system designed to provide high accuracy remote angle measurement data.  The WTS enables surveyors, geotechnical specialists and structural engineers to record and log data remotely without the cost and impracticality of traditional wired methods.

    The heart of the system is the WTS Wireless Inclinometer; a high-accuracy robust instrument utilising advanced MEMS sensor technology to ensure maximum reliability.  A variety of complementary base stations and either PC or handheld data acquisition modules is offered to allow a complete measurement system to be configured to suit any particular application.

    Highway agencies, bridge and civil structure owners spend large revenues assessing structural health by visual or other types of consuming inspection methods of bolted and welded joints, together with other vital structural elements. Obtaining multiple readings to monitoring the entire structure can be costly and labour intensive. Using the WTS Wireless Tilt System, a single structure can be fitted with low power WTS Inclinometers at strategic points, thus helping to determine where weak points may be and when maintenance is required.

    Additionally, the WTS Wireless Tilt System may be used in the verification of design calculations when new structures are manufactured providing valuable data to refine computer models of structural behavior.

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